Constructors by Russell Libonati

Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about Russell Libonati's Constructors. The Short of It Plot: Colonization is a difficult enough prospect, but we definitely didn't do enough research on the resident life before we started. Page Count: 203 Worth a read : Yes. Primary Driver: (Plot, World, or Character ) Bechdel Test : Fail Technobabble: Mild to Moderate Review: Surprisingly enjoyable and a breeze to read. Humor is executed well without being overwhelming, characters have distinct personalities, dialogue is generally crisp. Relies at some points on tropes, but has enough novel ideas to be worth a read - especially at this length. It's a fun afternoon. Even after reading everything else, it's nice to get a new take on alien life - which is, in its own way, an impressive feat, given just how much SF material exists already. The Medium of It Spoiler Free! This is a straight forward SF romp with enough new bits mixed in to keep things interesting. Th...