Constructors by Russell Libonati

Hello, Stranger.

Let's talk about Russell Libonati's Constructors.

The Short of It

Plot: Colonization is a difficult enough prospect, but we definitely didn't do enough research on the resident life before we started.
Page Count: 203
Worth a read: Yes.
Primary Driver: (Plot, World, or Character)
Bechdel Test: Fail
Technobabble: Mild to Moderate
Review: Surprisingly enjoyable and a breeze to read. Humor is executed well without being overwhelming, characters have distinct personalities, dialogue is generally crisp. Relies at some points on tropes, but has enough novel ideas to be worth a read - especially at this length. It's a fun afternoon. Even after reading everything else, it's nice to get a new take on alien life - which is, in its own way, an impressive feat, given just how much SF material exists already.

The Medium of It
Spoiler Free!

This is a straight forward SF romp with enough new bits mixed in to keep things interesting. The feel is akin to that of a lot of classic SF; the protagonist is pretty handy at everything, not the most mature with women, and always manages to be around when things go crazy. I'm a sucker for aliens that are totally alien, and that is one department that this totally nails. Characters have quirks that keep them fun, my favorite of which is a fellow who continually makes up new meanings for his name based on context: "Well, my name does mean brave." "Oh, that's why my mother named me 'Sky'" There are a number of such gags and they tend to be well executed; frequent enough that they function as callbacks and jokes, not so much that they overstay their welcome. Writing on the whole is solid; pacing is good, emotional beats work well enough, characters act consistently and have their own motivations. 

Also, out of consideration for the author, as this is a lesser-known title, I won't dump a bunch of spoilers below. I'll just say this: In the past half year or so I have read many, many, many books. Is this one of the top five? Honestly, no. But is it worth reading? Absolutely, and more so than the average book I've encountered so far. It does exactly what good SF should do - establishes a thought-provoking world, populates it with interesting creatures, sets out concepts to consider... and does it all while keeping pacing light. Libonati has a story that lasts as long as it should, within dragging, and stays engaging throughout - which is more than can be said for a hearty portion of the titles I've encountered thus far on my little book adventure. 

It's quick, it's fun, and it's got enough personality of its own to make it worth a spin.

If you're interested, this exists solely as an ebook, I believe. Consider using this link! I'll get a few cents at no extra cost to you or the author.

Full disclosure: I was given a review copy of this book.


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