Beauty by Sheri S. Tepper
Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about Sherri S. Tepper's Beauty. The Short of It Plot: After evading a certain sleep-related curse, Beauty ends up exploring far and wide to reconcile her human and fairy ancestry. Page Count: 412 Award: 1992 Locus Fantasy Worth a read : No. Primary Driver: (Plot, World , or Character ) Bechdel Test : Pass Technobabble: Minimal Review: A remarkably ambitious book that takes a variety of clever turns, but ultimately unsatisfying. Dragged down by inconsistent pacing and passive characters. A lot of very convenient coincidences are needed for things to line up the way that they do, which grows tiresome. The result is an uneven patchwork of well-trodden tropes, though stitched together in a novel fashion. The Medium of It Spoiler Free! Writing a spoiler free review of this is a challenge, as things go sideways pretty early on. The starting point is that this is indeed, in part, a take on Sleeping Beauty. Our protagon...