Hyperion by Dan Simmons

Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about Dan Simmons's Hyperion. The Short of It Plot: Seven pilgrims journey to the one place that connects them: the planet Hyperion. Page Count: 492 Award: 1990 Hugo, 1990 Locus SF Worth a read : Yes. Right now. Primary Driver: ( Plot, World, or Character ) Bechdel Test : Possible Pass? Technobabble: Moderate. Review: Hot diggity dog. What a book. It's a masterpiece. The world is great. The characters are distinct and fantastic. A sense of mystery permeates everything, as well as urgency. Every plot beat is woven brilliantly - each character telling their story informs another, fills in blanks. But doesn't overfill! Keeps things mysterious! World building both answers and raises questions - but so, so, so well. Writing is crisp, pacing is great. I cannot recommend this one enough. Go! Get thee to a bookery! The Medium of It Spoiler Free What're you doing, reading this blog post? Go out and buy the book! Or get it from t...