Replay by Ken Grimwood

Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about Ken Grimwood's Replay. The Short of It Plot: Jeff Winston dies of a heart attack and returns as his younger self. What would you do with a second chance? Page Count: 311 Award: 1988 World Fantasy Award Worth a read : No. Primary Driver: (Plot, World, or Character) Bechdel Test : Fail Technobabble: Minimal to none. Review: The most generic possible take on (de facto) time travel. Dislikable protagonist doing the blandest and most predictable possible things. If you've read anything similar, you know every single beat of this story. Unremarkable writing. Slow pacing. Completely underwhelming. The Medium of It Spoiler Free! This book is not terrible. There's just no reason to read it. I pull all of my book covers from Goodreads - it's a good way of finding early editions. And, of course, I look at other reviews that people put up. Not to change my own, of course, but out of curiosity. So color me surprised when I see...