The Eternal Footman by James K. Morrow

Hello, Stranger.

Let's talk about James K. Morrow's The Eternal Footman.

The Short of It

Plot: People are dropping, replaced by sad husks - fetches - of their former selves. Is there anything that can be done to fight this plague of ennui?
Page Count: 368
Award: Third book in the Godhead trilogy
Worth a read: No
Primary Driver: (Plot, World, or Character
Bechdel Test: Pass(?)
Technobabble: Spiritual Babble, sure.
Review: A retread of almost the same thing we've read from Morrow, but even less inspired. A dull slog without even the sparks of wit that helped make the previous two books a bit less of a chore. Atmosphere is extremely oppressive, characters are all depressed, bitter, or both. Impossible to care about actual outcomes or story. 

The Only of It
Spoilers? Not really.

Congratulations, this is basically the same book, again. It's just a bit worse each time.

I thought about spending a bunch of time writing up a more nuanced take on this, but that's it. It's the same book. Just not as good. Don't waste your time on it.

Don't try to make fetch happen, Stranger.
And don't forget to read a book!


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