Ukrainian Books: Kaharlyk by Oleh Shunkarenko
Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about Oleh Shunkarenko's Kaharlyk. This is part of a short excursion into Ukrainian SF and fantasy literature, for obvious reasons. The Short of It Plot: Chaos remains after a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Oleksandr's fragmented memories push him to find Olena. Originally published in Ukrainian as a series of 100 word Facebook posts. Page Count: 176 Primary Driver: (Plot, World , or Character) Bechdel Test : Fail Technobabble: Lots. Review: Intriguing if difficult read. Lots of cool SF concepts tossed around, but combined with the 100 word block style, often confusing. Equal parts baffling and engaging. Extremely deliberate but sometimes difficult translation choices add to the mess. Nonetheless fascinating and chock full of clever ideas. The Medium/Long of It This is extremely hard to discuss without spoilers, and I'm not going to try. The book kicks off with a note from the author and another from the transla...