Game Plan for: The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold

Hello, Stranger.

The Vorkosigan Saga is worth a read. It is also long.

Here is the order in which the author recommends reading them.

This is not a review: it is a game plan.

Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga has a bad habit of winning awards. If it wasn't bad enough that four books have won, two novellas have, and the whole series was given a Hugo award for "Best Series" in 2017. Did you know that there's a Hugo Award for best series? My reading list cackles maniacally whenever I glance at it.

This means, of course, that they all need to be reviewed. The whole saga. 

Below is the list of the full series, in the order in which I read them. As I add each review, I will put in links to go from this page to the appropriate one. A number of these will be reviewed as pairs - usually based upon a main character completing their arc over two books. As a general rule, each review down the list may contain spoilers for those books and stories listed above it, though I will try to keep that to a minimum. 

Once all of these are written up, I'll put a broader review of the entire series up as a separate post. Or maybe I'll do that first, just to have something down. Not sure! The other reviews will probably take a while - the plan is to wrap up reviews up through 1990 to get another reddit post up, and do these along the way. 

As a side comment: a very kind stranger mailed me a few volumes from this series, which was extremely kind. Always more fun to read science fiction the way it was intended to be: a beat up and well loved book, passed from one reader to another. So thanks, Stranger!

Below are tentative groupings for reviews, though depending how things go, I may shift them around. This page will be in flux for a good bit while working on these, I'm afraid.

Cordelia's Story
Shards of Honor

Miles Finds His Way
The Warrior’s Apprentice
“The Mountains of Mourning”
The Vor Game

Miles in His Element
Borders of Infinity

And Now For Something Completely Different
Ethan of Athos

A New Challenger Arrives
Brothers in Arms
Mirror Dance

Miles Gets A New Job

Miles Meets His Match
A Civil Campaign
“Winterfair Gifts”
"The Flowers of Vashnoi"

Falling Free
Diplomatic Immunity

Ivan Doesn't Suck
Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance

Miles Back at It

Cordelia Returns
Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen

Thanks for bearing with me this far, Stranger. 
And don't forget to read a book!


  1. Hell yeah! Really curious to see what the back 1/3 of the series is like, I only read up to and including Komarr during my binge last year.


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