Game Plan for: The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
Hello, Stranger.
The Vorkosigan Saga is worth a read. It is also long.
Here is the order in which the author recommends reading them.
This is not a review: it is a game plan.
Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga has a bad habit of winning awards. If it wasn't bad enough that four books have won, two novellas have, and the whole series was given a Hugo award for "Best Series" in 2017. Did you know that there's a Hugo Award for best series? My reading list cackles maniacally whenever I glance at it.
This means, of course, that they all need to be reviewed. The whole saga.
Below is the list of the full series, in the order in which I read them. As I add each review, I will put in links to go from this page to the appropriate one. A number of these will be reviewed as pairs - usually based upon a main character completing their arc over two books. As a general rule, each review down the list may contain spoilers for those books and stories listed above it, though I will try to keep that to a minimum.
Once all of these are written up, I'll put a broader review of the entire series up as a separate post. Or maybe I'll do that first, just to have something down. Not sure! The other reviews will probably take a while - the plan is to wrap up reviews up through 1990 to get another reddit post up, and do these along the way.
As a side comment: a very kind stranger mailed me a few volumes from this series, which was extremely kind. Always more fun to read science fiction the way it was intended to be: a beat up and well loved book, passed from one reader to another. So thanks, Stranger!
Below are tentative groupings for reviews, though depending how things go, I may shift them around. This page will be in flux for a good bit while working on these, I'm afraid.
The Warrior’s Apprentice
“The Mountains of Mourning”
The Vor Game
Ethan of Athos
A Civil Campaign
“Winterfair Gifts”
Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen
Hell yeah! Really curious to see what the back 1/3 of the series is like, I only read up to and including Komarr during my binge last year.