Soldier of Sidon by Gene Wolfe

Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about Gene Wolfe's Soldier of Sidon. The Short of It Plot: Our favorite amnesiac soldier is back, but this time he's in Egypt! Page Count: 320 Award: 2006 World Fantasy Award Worth a read : Not really. Primary Driver: (Plot, World , or Character ) Bechdel Test : Fail Technobabble: No. Review: Did you like the military adventures of Sir Forgetful the first two times it came out? Then this is a great book for you. A different set of supporting characters and a new location - as well as a significant in-world time jump - offer surface level differentiation from the previous volumes. But once the adventure actually begins it is more of the same. Slow pacing and constant reminders of amnesia punctuated with occasional excellent scenes involving the gods. Also, Wolfe's still terrible at ending books. The Medium of It Spoiler Free LOOK, IT'S THE same book. I don't have anything to say about it. I've already ...