The Falling Woman by Pat Murphy

Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about Pat Murphy's The Falling Woman. The Short of It Plot: An estranged mother and daughter are reconnected on a troubled archaeological dig. Page Count: 287 Award: 1987 Nebula Worth a read : No Primary Driver: (Plot, World, or Character ) Bechdel Test : Pass Technobabble: None Review: A bland coming of age story/relationship drama with pretensions of being either horror or suspense. Characters are flat: the woman who threw herself into her career and ignored her family, the man who needs to protect people, the old woman who is superstitious. Story is a plodding mess that is meant to give the characters and their interactions the spotlight - but characters don't deliver, and the whole thing crumbles. Boring and predictable. The Medium of It Spoiler Free! One spoiler, but it's in the blurb of the books, so, deal. This is another book that falls into the broad category of dull, tedious, and dry stories withou...