Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game. The Short of It Plot: When the Buggers return, we're going to need the greatest military mind Earth can produce to stop them. Which means we need to start training young. Page Count: 256 Award: 1985 Nebula, 1986 Hugo Worth a read : Absolutely Primary Driver: ( Plot , World, or Character ) Bechdel Test : Possible Technical Pass? But Likely Fail. Technobabble: Moderate. Review: Look, it's great, okay? Writing is solid, characters are consistent, pacing is deftly executed. Stakes are maintained throughout. Relentless nature of issues brilliantly done - the moment one issue is solved, another appears. It's just a really great book. It's got some flaws, sure. But it's just a joy to read. I'm also extremely biased: this is also the first real science fiction book I can recall reading, when I was nine. The Medium of It Spoiler Free! I read this book under Mr. Hess's desk, duri...