Startide Rising by David Brin

Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about David Brin's Startide Rising. The Short of It Plot: Things quickly get out of hand when a ship crewed by humans, dolphins, and a chimp stumble upon a massive armada of abandoned spaceships, escalating to galactic-level drama. Page Count: 498 Award: 1984 Hugo, 1984 Nebula, 1984 Locus SF Worth a read : All aboard the hype train! Toot toot! Primary Driver: ( Plot, World, or Character ) Bechdel Test : Pass Technobabble: Moderate. Review: Sweet kittens and milk is this thing excellent. It's not a perfect book - characters can be hard to keep track of, relationships can be forced, some parts drag, and the machina has a whole bunch of deus. But there are so many good ideas in here. Uplift is brought to the fore: that a species needs another to bring it to the galactic scene. But what does that mean? How do we recreate other species in our own image? What debts do we owe each other? What if attempts to he...