No Enemy But Time by Michael Bishop
Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about Michael Bishop's No Enemy But Time. The Short of It Plot: If you think hard enough, you get to the past! Page Count: 397 Award: 1982 Nebula Worth a read : This is one of the worst books I've ever read. Primary Driver: (Plot, World , or Character) Bechdel Test : Fail(?) Technobabble: Moderate. Review: Look, he uses his chance to go back in time to have sex with proto-humans. And yes, the pacing is awful, but at least the prose is terrible. I have nothing positive to say about this one, except that I've never seen the word "beshat" in a book. This is one of the very few I've encountered with an African American man as the lead - and holy guacamole is it an insulting portrayal. The Medium and Long of It, Because This Book Is Terrible Spoilers, but, who cares? Among chimpanzees the females develop cumbersome sexual swellings to signal their readiness to mate (“pink ladies,” Jane Goodall once ca...