The Many-Colored Land by Julian May

Hello, Stranger. Let's talk about Julian May's The Many-Colored Land. The Short of It Plot: There's a portal that goes back six million years into the past and it only gets wackier from there. Page Count: 433 Award: 1982 Locus Worth a read : Yes Primary Driver: (Plot, World , or Character) Bechdel Test : Pass Technobabble: Moderate. Review: This book is delightful. The premise is ridiculous, the explanations of "science" to explain what happened are pretty much nonexistent... but it's just so fun. Every opportunity where this book could go off the rails it does so. The characters are fun, though shallow. This book is what happens when you throw a sack of different world-building related nouns into a blender and say, "Sure!" Are the rules consistent? Yes, in that there are none. I was regularly surprised by things to the point where I was laughing out loud. The Medium of It Spoiler Free! Wow. This book. What a trip. Just look at t...